Have you ever felt like you and your horse weren't really jiving?
Maybe you've even sent him for training to "fix the problem" and he acts one way with the trainer. But then you get on, and it's a different horse.
I get it. That can sometimes take the joy of riding, right? Most riders think the horse is the problem.
The truth is, the rider's lack of confidence and know-how is often what keeps you and your horse from working as a team.
That's why I created this FREE confidence booster download!
Just fill out this brief form and you'll get immediate access to the tips and tools that I've used with my students to build their confidence in the saddle.
You'll get this free resource + be notified when I create new resources to help you in the saddle. No spam, ever. Opt out anytime.

I'm Kaitlyn,
Trainer, instructor, and lifelong horse girl!
(Mexican food and Dunkin Donuts iced coffee are also at the top of my list!)
As an avid student of the horse, I love to share what I’ve learned.
Natural horsemanship is at the heart of my program.
That means I take the time to understand each horse and rider on an individual level.
And, one of the things I see most often is that riders almost always need a boost of confidence to really enjoy their horse. That's why I've created this free resource for you!